About Us

The Joint Research Laboratory on Offshore Renewable Energy, based in the Basque Country, is composed of researchers from TECNALIABCAM and UPV/EHU.

UPV/EHU-BCAM-TECNALIA were taking active part in the Euskampus¹ Pole of Knowledge Renewable Marine Energies² since 2012. They decide to go a step further and create the Joint Research Lab in Offshore Renewable Energy.

The launch of the JRL-ORE seeks to strengthen the research links between the parties in order to take advantage of synergies between them and to reach critical masses in the agreed scientific and technological areas. It aims to increase the level of the research results in terms of their impact in the business world and society in general.

The JRL-ORE was created with the ambition to grow and extend to other agents and fields of action, aiming for the results of the research to have a greater impact.

Areas of Action

The activities contemplated in the JRL are focused on the following areas:

  • Contribute to the training of future professionals in the field of the JRL, preferably through the Master in Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment of the UPV / EHU.
  • Establish international research collaborations with the partners of the Master in Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment of the UPV / EHU, NTNU, UoS, and the University of Nantes, and, in general, with the strategic partners of each party to become a connecting node of a network of international networks. Within the Master, the exchange of researchers between members of the network will be facilitated.
  • Attract funding from public funds intended to support research, especially through local aid programs (primarily ELKARTEK or similar) and through calls to the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation.

1 Euskampus is an initiative promoted by the UPV / EHU, Tecnalia and Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) with the objective of “increasing their joint international projection and deploying shared actions of training, research, transfer and dissemination of knowledge.

2 The Euskampus Poles of Knowledge Community is a creative and innovative space formed by dynamic cooperatives based on co-creation between various researchers from the entities that make up the Euskampus Board of Trustees and other agents from the Basque Country. The main driving force is the search for answers to social and global challenges through cooperative (trans-disciplinary and multi-agent) training, research and innovation actions.