Latest Past Events

X Marine Energy Conference

Faculty of Engineering Bilbao Ingeniero Torres Quevedo Plaza, 1, Bilbao

The X Marine Energy Conference is going to be held in Bilbao, next May 29th. The Conference is organised by JRL-ORE and Euskampus Fundazioa with the support of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Tecnalia and BCAM.

IX Marine Energy Conference

Faculty of Engineering Bilbao Ingeniero Torres Quevedo Plaza, 1, Bilbao

We are pleased to announce that the IX Marine Energy Conference is going to be held in Bilbao, at The Faculty of Engineering  Bilbao, next June 21st. The Conference is organized by JRL-ORE and Euskampus Fundazioa with the support of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Tecnalia and BCAM.

Urpeko Hackatoia

Club Kaieder Kale Txurrua, 3, Plentzia

Itsaspeko Hackaton-ak itsas energia berriztagarrien sektoreko ikerketa-proiektuen atzean dagoen zientziaren zati bat etorkizuneko profesionalengana hurbiltzea du helburu ingurune ludiko batean.