VALID hybrid testing platform

NEW SURVEY: wave energy converters sub-systems and respective criticalities

  • Post by:
  • 22/02/2021
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Are you a wave energy technology developer, researcher, manufacturer or certification body?

The H2020 funded VALID project invites you to share your feedback on accelerated testing requirements for wave energy development. By filling in a short questionnaire you will support the analysis of wave energy converters, sub-systems, components and respective criticalities. Aggregated results from this survey will be published in the forthcoming project deliverables and also on the website.

Each of the twelve questions investigates stakeholders’ perception about standards, guidelines or technical specifications during the design/testing of the WEC critical sub-systems/components. Aggregated results from this survey will be published in VALID project deliverables and here on the website.

Please complete the survey by following this link:

As a member of the sector with vested interest in the development of wave energy technology, your input is important to us, and we thank you for your participation.

Categories: Projects, Research