Online webinar: The development of the spar-buoy OWC wave energy converter at IST
- Post by: JRL-ORE
- 10/06/2021
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Within the activities of the REM master and the RENOVABLES project, next June 22, Dr. Joao C. C. Henriques, from the Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica (IDMEC) of Lisbon University will give the seminar “The development of the spar-buoy OWC wave energy converter at IST”
The activity is composed of four presentations addressing the following topics:
1) The development of oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converters (WECs) at IST (1h15m + 15m discussion) – This presentation aims to describe the development path taken by the IST Wave Energy Group in the development of OWC WECs. It also describes how the solution of several scientific challenges resulted in several patents such as biradial turbine.
2) Model testing of WECs and air turbines for OWCs (1h15m + 15m discussion) – Model testing of OWCs comprises the hydrodynamics model, the air turbine and the complete power take-off system. This presentation addresses the different types of model tests by discussing the implementation and the major issues related to physics.
3) The reynolds number and wave‐induced real‐fluid effects in marine energy converters – A discussion about the scaling effects on model testing based on the analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations and experimental data.
4) Selection and control of an air turbines for OWCs (1h15m + 15m discussion) – The selection of air turbine is a multidisciplinary task that requires not only knowledge about the turbine itself but also the interactions with the hydrodynamics and control. Therefore, this presentation aims discuss air turbine aerodynamics and control, and the interaction of these with the hydrodynamics.
More information and registration for the seminar “The development of the spar-buoy OWC wave energy converter at IST” in the following link: https://renovables-eurorregion.com/en/events/category/seminar/