rem master students

REM master students visit TECNALIA

  • Post by:
  • 12/07/2019
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The lecturing period of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree REM students in UPV/EHU is coming to an end with a series of complementary activities that involve some conferences lectured by reputed academics in the field and technical visits to different premises in the Basque Country.

The whole programme can be found here.

During these activities they visited TECNALIA and some of the facilities dedicated to Offshore Renewable Energy. They discovered the importance of a good testing plan before going to sea; the HIL Electrical PTO Lab, a turbine emulator to reproduce the mechanical output of an ocean energy device or wind turbine that can be accessed for free through MaRINET2 project ; THOR, the 1.25MW flexible grid to test power electronic equipment; the Microgrid and other Grid Management capabilities as the HVDC demonstrator.

Categories: Master