Save the date for the IX Marine Energy Conference: June 21st Bilbao

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  • 02/05/2023
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We are pleased to announce that the IX Marine Energy Conference is going to be held in Bilbao, at The Faculty of Engineering Bilbao, next June 21st. The Conference is organized by JRL-ORE with the support of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, TECNALIA and BCAM.

Researchers and Industry will discuss about the most recent research activities, ongoing and new collaborative projects and potential market of the innovations in Offshore Renewable Energy in the Basque Country.

Researchers, industry and students are all welcome to this annual conference that pretends to be a meeting space, where fruitful collaborations can arise.

The programme with a detailed list of speakers and further details about the conference will be available soon at the event site.


There will be a special PhD and Post doctoral students session. If you are interested in showing the audience your work, send your abstract on the topic of Offshore Renewable Energy no later than the 26th May. Selected works will have a slot of time for a presentation during the conference.


Meeting session between students and companies
The meeting session between students and companies is a B2B session where different companies of the sector seek candidates for performing the MSc thesis. Students from the awarded REM+ master will participate in the event.
If your company wants to participate don’t hesitate to contact here.


 Registration to the Marine Energy Conference will be open soon

With the support of

Categories: Conference, Research