Dr. Josu Jugo

Dr. Josu Jugo obtained the Ph Degree in Physical Sciences from the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) in the field of Automatic Control in 1997.
He has held various research, teaching and management positions at the aforementioned University for more than 25 years, being Professor of the University of Systems and Automation Engineering since 2003, in the Department of Electricity and Electronics of the UPV / EHU. For more than two decades he has been participating in and continuously directing multiple works and research projects financed in competitive calls by public and private organizations. His research work has led to the direction of 5 theses, with one more in progress, and has been recognized by the CNEAI with four research sections (six-year terms) positively evaluated.
His research work has focused over the years on various topics related mainly to control, highlighting the control of mechatronic systems, such as systems with magnetic bearings, vibration control in the field of machine tools and the control of of smart actuators. Regarding mechatronic systems, it is worth highlighting his participation as principal investigator at the UPV / EHU in the DYNXPERTS project, financed within the 7th Framework Program of the European Union. He has participated in a large number of research projects and contracts with the industry and is author or co-author of around 50 journal papers, more than 70 contributions in international conferences and co-authored 1 patents.
In recent years, he has dedicated a growing research activity in projects related with the control of Wind Turbines, collaborating with several thesis and resulting in several publications in relevant intentional journals and scientific conferences. This activity has been done in collaboration with other research agents of the Basque Country, as TECNALIA. Last research projects are related in the development of control based co-design methodologies.
Another important part of his research activity is the development of technology for particle accelerators within the IZPIlab laboratory, also related to control in general and the definition of distributed control, using the EPICS platform, an important standard in facilities. scientific, among other tools. In this field, he has collaborated with some of the leading European laboratories in the field of particle accelerators, as the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (Germany) , participating in the design and construction of various state-of-the-art innovative devices.