Product / Service
Design, optimization and control of floating structures and offshore systems, including anchoring, umbilical cable, operations at sea, layout
Main Contact: Germán Pérez
- Design and validation of floating structures, including the mooring system and the umbilical cable, using proprietary tools and commercial SW for the modeling, characterization, validation and techno-economic assesment of technology for offshore renewable energy devices.
- Definition of the conditions and the design process based on regulations, and analysis of the entire life cycle of the technology deployment: design, manufacture, transport, installation, commissioning, O&M and dismantling.
- CAD design and structural validation using Finite Elements of mechanical components.
Projects / PhD Thesis
- LIFES50+ –Qualification of innovative floating substructures for 10MW wind turbines and water depths greater than 50m
- SEAPOWER – Investigación aplicada a soluciones innovadoras e integrales para cimentaciones, torres y sistemas auxiliares de aerogeneradores offshore de gran potencia
- FLOW – Desarrollo de un aerogenerador flotante para su demostración a escala real en BiMEP
- FLOCAN2GRID – Nuevas Soluciones de Plataformas y Tecnologías Innovadoras Asociadas a la Evacuación e Integración en Red de Parques Eólicos Marinos Flotantes
- Diseño de un sistema modular para catenaria de líneas de fondeo (CENIT: EOLIA)
- NATURSEA-PV – Novel eco-cementitious materials and components for durable, competitive, and bio-inspired offshore floating PV substructures
HORIZON-RIA. Grant Agreement Number 101084348 - EKIOCEAN – New sustainable concepts of floating photovoltaic plants for the marine environment
- Nava, V., Galván, J., Sánchez-Lara, M., Garrido-Mendoza, C., Pérez-Morán, G., Le Boullouec, M., Augier, B., Rodriguez-Arias, R. | Hydrodynamic identification of NAUTILUS FOWT platform from small scale tests, in: Advances in Renewable Energies Offshore – Proceedings of RENEW | Taylor & Francis Group – CRC Press – Editor Carlos Guedes Soares, London, pp. 711–718, 2018
- J. Galván, M. J. Sánchez-Lara, I. Mendikoa, G. Pérez-Morán, V. Nava, y R. Rodríguez-Arias | NAUTILUS-DTU10 MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine at Gulf of Maine: Public numerical models of an actively ballasted semisubmersible | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1102, p. 012015, oct. 2018
- Müller, K., Faerron-Guzmán, R., Cheng, P. W., Galvan, J., Sánchez-Lara, M. J., Rodríguez-Arias, R., & Manjock, A. | Load sensitivity analysis for a floating wind turbine on a steel semi-submersible substructure | ASME 2018 1st International Offshore Wind Technical Conference
- M. Riabtsev, V. Petuya, M. Urízar, E. Macho | Design and analysis of an active 2-DOF lockable joint | Mechanics based design of structures and machines, 2020
- I. Touzon, V. Nava, B. de Miguel, V. Petuya. | A comparison of numerical approaches for the design of mooring systems | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (7), 2020
- Floating Offshore Wind Turbines: Control strategies to maximize the energy extracted and reduce the movements of the structure, as well as the dynamic loads that are generated. Fatigue reduction and life extension
- Wave / Tidal: advanced control strategies for increase in production in order to reduce the LCOE
- Accurate models for an initial simulation design
- Validation in a small-scale test-bench
- Implementation in a real prototype
Projects / PhD Thesis
- OPERA – Sea Operating Experience to Reduce Wave Energy Cost
- Modelling and Control for the Oscillating Water Column in Wave Energy Conversion (PhD François-Xavier Faÿ)
- Control Strategies for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (PhD Javier Lopez Queija, ongoing)
- François-Xavier Faÿ, J. C. Herniques, J. Kelly, M. Mueller, M. Abusara, W. Sheng, Marga Marcos | Comparative assessment of control strategies for the biradial turbine in the Mutriku OWC plant | Renewable Energy Volume 146, February 2020, Pages 2766-2784
- François-Xavier Faÿ, Eider Robles, Marga Marcos, Endika Aldaiturriaga, Eduardo Camacho | Sea trial results of a predictive algorithm at the Mutriku Wave power plant and controllers assessment based on a detailed plant model | Renewable Energy Volume 146, February 2020, Pages 1725-1745
- F.-X. Faÿ, J.C. Henriques, M. Marcos and E. Robles | Review of control strategies for oscillating water column wave energy converters | presented at the EWTEC2015, Nantes, France, 2015
- F.-X. Faÿ, E. Robles, J. C. C. Henriques, and M. Marcos | Best practices for the use of electrical test infrastructures to validate control strategies: a case study in wave energy conversion | presented at the Renew 2016 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, Portugal, 2016
- F.-X. Faÿ, M. Marcos, and E. Robles | Novel Predictive Latching Control for an Oscillating Water Column Buoy | presented at the 12th EWTEC, Cork, Ireland, 2017
- F.-X. Faÿ et al. | Numerical Simulation of Control Strategies at Mutriku Wave Power Plant | presented at the ASME 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Madrid, Spain, 2018
Floating Structures was last modified: May 8th, 2024 by kaleidoscopio