Product / Service
Intelligent mathematical models based on data for offshore renewable structures and their interaction with the marine environment
Main Contact: Vincenzo Nava
Development and implementation of data analytics techniques for the characterization of offshore renewable structures (including estimation and prediction of displacements, stresses, etc …)
Projects / PhD Thesis
- MATHEO– Matemáticas Inteligentes para Eólica Offshore
- O&M Models for Ocean Energy Converters: Calibrating through Real Sea Data
- Performance Assessment of Three Turbulence Models Validated through an Experimental Wave Flume under Different Scenarios of Wave Generation
- Full Scale Data: HarshLab
- Experimental data on a reduced scale: Flume UPV/EHU
- Computational resources: HIPATIA, UPV/EHU Computing Center
Development of neural network architecture designs for early stage failure detection in platforms for offshore renewable energy, Structural Health Monitoring of platforms and subsystems, and estimation of useful life, for planning operations and predictive maintenance.
Projects / PhD Thesis
- VIVIR – Validación de un método de reducción de Incertidumbre de la VIda Remanente de sistemas de fondeo para turbinas eólicas offshore flotantes
- Full Scale Data: HarshLab
- Experimental data on a reduced scale: Flume UPV/EHU
- Computational resources: HIPATIA, UPV / EHU Computing Center
Development and implementation of data analysis techniques for the analysis and management of energy production in the operating phase for offshore renewable energy devices.
Projects / PhD Thesis
- MARIA -Monitoring floAting platfoRms in offshore wind through artificIAl intelligence
- Full Scale Data: HarshLab
- Experimental data on a reduced scale: Flume UPV/EHU
- Computational resources: HIPATIA, UPV / EHU Computing Center
Mathematical models was last modified: June 14th, 2021 by kaleidoscopio