
TECNALIA is the first privately funded applied research centre in Spain and one of the leading such centres in Europe. Our mission is to transform technology into GDP.

TECNALIA is committed to renewable sources of energy from the marine environment as a promising sector, which will contribute towards sustainable economic growth and stable job creation. We believe that research, development and innovation will play a key role in creating cost competitive technologies for the sector.

The team involved in the JRL on behalf of TECNALIA is the Offshore Renewable Energy group led by Jose Luis Villate and has more than 17 years of experience in the marine energy sector.

It is composed of researchers with large experience in areas such as modelling and analysis of offshore structures (including mooring systems, foundations, hydrodynamic characterisation, structural analysis and optimisation); electric transmission (grid connection solutions, power quality and grid code compliance); materials (testing and failure analysis, corrosion monitoring, fatigue, bio-fouling…); O&M strategy definition and installation, commissioning and decommissioning simulations.

TECNALIA applies this knowledge using a coordinated, holistic approach, focusing on the development of cost effective technologies to harness offshore renewable sources throughout their life cycle. Some of our most exciting achievements include:

Creating two technology-based companies:

  • OCEANTEC Energias Marinas, in partnership with Iberdrola, for the development of wave energy converters.
  • NAUTILUS Floating Solutions, a consortium made up of four industrial companies plus TECNALIA aiming at developing cost-effective floating platforms for offshore wind in deep waters.
  • Transferring 4 patents to industry (including 2 SMEs).
  • Open-sea testing of wave energy devices.
  • Participating in 12 European Research Projects worth more than €5m funding and a success rate of around 70%.
  • Collaborating with the local government on the definition of a marine energy strategy.
  • Organising international and national events; including ICOE (the International Conference on Ocean Energy) in 2010.
  • Contributing to numerous international committees and advisory groups such as chairing the OES.
  • Participating in the IEC/TC114.
  • Being member of the board of directors of OEE.