offshore wind

Underwater vehicles, offshore wind and geology: New cycle of conferences in YouTube

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  • 19/02/2023
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Don’t miss the new series of conferences  in our youtube channel  .

The objective of this cycle of conferences is to present the most relevant aspects for the development of offshore wind energy, such as the importance of knowledge about the seabed and the role that underwater robots play in it.
Experts in these fields explain what are the expectations for the development of offshore wind energy in the world, what techniques are used to study the seabed or the importance of geological knowledge for planning wind farms, among other issues. In addition, the usefulness and application of underwater robots in the study of the oceans and in the installation and maintenance of wind farms and other marine infrastructures are highlighted. Finally, through these conferences, the need for a multidisciplinary approach in the development of marine renewable energies will be highlighted, emphasizing the role of the different scientific specialties.
This cycle of conferences is aimed at students in training cycles and students and graduates of Engineering and science careers, such as Geology, Biology or Physics, as well as the general public that is curious and interested in marine renewable energies, the study of the environment marine and underwater robots.

The conferences are in Spanish:

  • Fondos marinos: Geomorfología y sedimentación. Gemma Ercilla (ICM/CSIC)
  • Técnicas de adquisición de datos del fondo marino. Pablo Rodríguez (UTM/CSIC)
  • Introducción a la Energía Eólica Offshore. Joannes Berque (Tecnalia)
  • La investigación geotécnica en proyectos de energía eólica marina. Ander Biain (Solarpack)


You can access them here